Provisions of Articles 186, 187, 188, 190, 193,
194, 202, 203, 223, and paragraph (2) and (6) of Article 184, paragraph (5) of
Article 195 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this Commission.
(1) The Commission shall be additionally vested
with the duty and responsibility of maintaining an updated computerized
Geographic Information System (GIS) of Sri Lanka, and the GIS shall include GPS
co-ordinate points and elevations (from sea level) of:
(a) delimited land boundaries as required by paragraph (4) of
Article 293;
(b) water bodies including tanks, rivers, canals, and waterfalls;
(c) network of roads and railway;
(d) boundaries of Green Province and Buffer Zones;
(e) boundaries of State land;
(f) boundaries of reserved areas, public gardens, places of national heritage, and
places of State entities ;
(g) boundary of the coast around the territory and the boundary of the
Exclusive Economic Zone; and
(h) other places that President, from time to time, recommends to include.
(2) The GIS system shall be regularly updated and the notice of such update shall be published in the Gazette;
Provided that the GIS data in electronic form shall be official and may not be in printed form;
(3) Any activity
that may change the data of the GIS shall be notified of such activity, prior
to its commencement, to Delimitation Commission.
295. The Commission shall publish on its website all the raw data of the GIS it collects under this Chapter without any redaction.
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