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Showing posts from 2009

Dark clouds and silver linings

Today I heard about a grand wedding of an Indian tycoon (Ambani's son) from a friend of mine, and he showed me some videos of it too. He said famous and powerful people from around the world have been invited to it, and the cost of the event was going to be several Billions (of Indian Rupees or USD, I don't know). If you think about it, India is a country with a higher population of substandard living conditions. There are innocent and miserable children who are forced to work for a mere subsistence, being deprived of education, health facilities, and food and water. I remember a movie based on a true story in which Akshey Kumar was playing the leading role where he makes sanitary towels (pads) for poor women who could not afford it. In such a country, a single wedding event spends billions of money. What a crappy world we are living! You could imagine how much wealth this family has amassed. On the other, this "mental disease" of exorbitant spending must be highly we

How to run multiple instances of the same program

Sometimes you may want to run several copies or versions or instances of the same program on your PC. There are programs that actually let you do this automatically . For example, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Most of web browsers like Internet Explorer, FireFox, etc... let you run multiple instances of the same program. But, there are some programs that do not allow you to run muliple instances on the same machine simultaneously. For example, Skype internet messaging software comes under this category. However, what if you want to run two instances of the Skype program on the same machine at the same time?? Maybe you want to try the same with another singleton program (a program that allows only one copy to run on a machine at a time). OK, there's a simple workaround or trick to do this. Follow the following steps. 1. Create another user account in your Windows XP system (this is workable in other operating systems too.) if there is only one user created