යෝජිත ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාව PDF
37. The following principles shall guide the State in making laws and in the governance of Sri Lanka.
(1) The
State shall recognize the importance of harmony among the people of different
races, religions, and cultures.
(2) The
State shall foster the democratic practices in the country and democratic
structure of the government.
(3) The
State shall take every action to wipe out red-tape, corruption, bribery, and
lethargy in government service, and in the society.
(4) The State shall establish a just, equitable, and moral social order, the objectives of which include:
(a) the
full realization of the Fundamental Rights and freedoms of all persons;
(b) securing
and protecting effectively a social order in which social, economic, and
political justice shall inform all institutions of national life;
(c) the elimination of economic and social privilege, disparity and exploitation;
(d) the equitable distribution of the material resources of the community and the social product;
(e) the realization of an adequate standard of living for all Citizens and their families including adequate food, clothing, housing, medical care, education, energy, and communication;
(f) ensuring social security and welfare;
(g) raising the moral, cultural and educational standards of the People and facilitating the full development of the human personality; and
(h) the
creation of the necessary environment to enable adherents of all religions to
make a living reality of their religious principles.
(5) The State shall develop the whole country by means of appropriate public and private economic activity.
(6) The State shall protect, preserve, and improve the environment and safeguard the reefs, shores, forests, lakes, watercourses, and wildlife of Sri Lanka.
(7) The State shall protect and foster the welfare of the pets and domestic animals, inter alia, by registration of such animals, and providing for enough veterinary medicine and medical facilities.
(8) The State shall protect and preserve every monument or place or object of artistic or historic interest declared by or under any law to be of national importance.
(9) The State shall promote international peace, security and co-operation, and the establishment of a just and equitable international economic and social order, and shall respect and foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in dealings with and among nations.
(10) The State shall secure the operation of a legal system that promotes justice on the basis of equal and unrestrained access to all who seek redress of the law and provide within its available resources, free legal aid to ensure that no person is deprived of such access due to lack of resources of disability.
(11) The State shall recognize, protect, and foster the family as the basic unit of society.
(12) The State shall recognize, protect, and foster the relationship between husband and wife, and the relationship between parents and Children.
(13) The State shall recognize and strengthen the participation of Citizens in all possible opportunities of decision making and policy making in the government.
(14) The State shall govern the country with utmost transparency and integrity; and Citizens and the mass media on the Citizens’ behalf shall be afforded to attend to and get detailed information as to the objectives, expenditure, and such other details of such activities, projects, and plans.
(15) The State shall protect and promote the Sinhala language.
(16) The State shall utilize renewable energy as much as possible, and encourage research and development in this field.
The State shall achieve and maintain food security, water security, energy
security, and health security by producing at least all the essential medicinal
drugs and essential medical utensils and supplies in the country.
38. It shall be the duty of every Citizen and Resident to:
(1) uphold and protect the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka;
(2) uphold and defend the Constitution and its ideals and institutions;
(3) foster national unity and promote harmony amongst all the People of Sri Lanka;
(4) foster and take care of pets and domestic animals;
(5) respect and preserve the rich heritage of the land;
(6) value and improve the environment, conserve its riches, and all forms of life;
(7) safeguard and preserve artistic or historical objects and places of national importance;
(8) safeguard and protect public property and combat its waste or misuse;
(9) refrain from directly or indirectly participating in briber or corruption;
(10) uphold the rule of law and renounce all forms of violence;
(11) work conscientiously in that chosen occupation; and
foster a 5R culture; 5R being Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Reuse, Recycle.
39. The provisions of this Chapter shall be highly considered in every action or decision by the State, and a Citizen shall have the right to challenge a decision or action by the State, prima facie, appearing to be in contradiction of the provisions of this Chapter, in the same manner as a petition of a Fundamental Right is entertained.
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