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Dark clouds and silver linings

Today I heard about a grand wedding of an Indian tycoon (Ambani's son) from a friend of mine, and he showed me some videos of it too. He said famous and powerful people from around the world have been invited to it, and the cost of the event was going to be several Billions (of Indian Rupees or USD, I don't know). If you think about it, India is a country with a higher population of substandard living conditions. There are innocent and miserable children who are forced to work for a mere subsistence, being deprived of education, health facilities, and food and water. I remember a movie based on a true story in which Akshey Kumar was playing the leading role where he makes sanitary towels (pads) for poor women who could not afford it. In such a country, a single wedding event spends billions of money. What a crappy world we are living! You could imagine how much wealth this family has amassed. On the other, this "mental disease" of exorbitant spending must be highly we

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325.       In this Constitution:

“commencement of this Constitution” means the date the Elections Commission proclaims this Constitution has been approved by the People;


“conclusion of the General Election” means the time at which Elections Commission publishes in the Gazette the list of elected Members to the Parliament and the Local Councils;


“existing law” means any written law in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution;


“judicial officer” means any person who holds office as a judge of Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Provincial Court, Magistrate Court, Primary Court, a judge of a tribunal or institution created and established for the administration of Justice or for the adjudication of any labor or other dispute; but does not include a person who performs arbitral functions or a public officer whose principal duty is not the performance of functions of a judicial nature;


“law” means any Act of Parliament or Act of State Assembly, and every legislation legislated before 1978 shall be superseded by new Acts of Parliament or Acts of State Assembly, as the case may be, expeditiously;


“local authority” means Local Council;


“public corporation” means any legal body established by a law in Parliament or State Assembly, or a company registered under the Companies Act with a share of not less than 40% vested in the State directly or through other public corporation;


“public officer” means a  person who holds any paid office under the Republic, excluding judicial officer, President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Cabinet Minister, Governor, Deputy Minister, Speaker, Member of Parliament, Member of Local Council, member of Constitutional Council, member of Independent Commissions, Governor of the Central Bank, the Secretary General of Parliament and his staff, the staff of the Elections Commission, the staff of the Judicial Commission, the staff of the Anti-corruption Commission, the staff of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, and staff of the Public Service Commission;

“related Province”  means the Province under whose geographic area a Locality or a Local Council is in;


“State entity” means the office of President, the office of Vice President, the office of Governor, the office of Prime Minister, a Cabinet Ministry, the office of Chief Minister of a Province, the office of Chairman of a Local Council, and any public corporation.


“State officer” means a person who holds any paid office under the Republic, excluding judicial officers.