(1) Each Locality shall have a Local Council
whose members who shall be hereinafter known as “Local Members (LM)” are
elected at a General Election.
(2) Local Council shall perform executive powers devolved under the provisions
of Chapter X.
(3) Local Member of Local Council who has won the confidence of the most Members shall be appointed as the Chairman to Local Council (hereinafter known as “Local Chairman”) by the Governor in the related Province.
(4) Local Chairman
shall select one of Members as the Vice Local Chairman.
(5) Local Chairman and Vice Local Chairman shall be individually and
collectively responsible to Local Council.
(6) Local Members of Local Council shall work together as one body headed by Local
Chairman; and every Member shall have the same privileges:
Provided that Local Chairman shall have the same status as a Member of
Parliament, except that he renders a honorary service as a Member of State
Assembly in State Assembly.
(7) Local Chairman,
or in his absence Vice Local Chairman or in their absence any Local Member
selected from among the Members present shall preside over sitting of Local Council.
The presiding member shall have a casting vote.
(8) The quorum of Local Council shall be eight; the presiding member shall
adjourn the Council if the number of Members present falls below the quorum,
and shall fix another time for the next Council to meet.
(9) Local Chairman shall be required to present to the Local Council a
well-planned comprehensive Local Development Plan, according to which he shall
be leading the Council, during his tenure, to achieve its goals.
(1) Governor in the related Province in
consultation with the Public Service Commission shall appoint a Secretary who
shall be a SLAS officer to a Local Council who shall be known as “Local
Secretary”, and Local Secretary shall be the Principal Accounting Officer and
the Principal Administration Officer of the Locality and Local Council.
(2) Local Secretary in consultation with Governor shall have a sufficient staff
in accordance with the policy recommendations of Public Service Commission.
(3) Local Secretary shall be the secretary of Local Council meetings, and he
shall maintain accurate and detailed minutes, schedules of meetings, and tabled
documents for records.
(4) Local Secretary shall exercise in accordance with the law of the country
and regulations of Government Service, all duties and responsibilities
entrusted upon him by Local Council, related Provincial Council, and the
Government Service.
(1) Local Chairman shall present an Annual
Budget in the month of November to Local Council with such details as the internally
audited expenses and receipts and development projects and activities of the
Past fiscal year, Balance Sheet of Local Council, estimates for expense and
receipt for the coming year, development projects and activities proposed for
the coming year.
(2) All the official documents presented to Local Council by Local Chairman or
Vice Local Chairman shall be certified by Local Secretary as true and accurate.
(3) All projects and activities in a Locality
involving public money shall be audited by National Audit Commission and such
audit shall have been completed by the end of October.
(4) Every budget shall be passed by a Simple Majority, but if it was rejected
by Local Council, Local Chairman shall present a new budget again within thirty
days. If the budget is defeated the second time, Local Chairman and Vice Local Chairman
shall be deemed to be automatically removed from office, and they shall not be
qualified to be elected to such office for five years. New Local Chairman and
Vice Local Chairman shall be elected by Local Council in the next sitting in
accordance with the normal procedure.
(5) Local Chairman and Vice Local Chairman shall continue to hold such office
even if the maiden budget is defeated.
117. (1) A Locality shall be subdivided into smaller areas called “Divisions”.
(2) Delimitation
Commission in consultation with Elections Commission shall determine the number
of Divisions in a Locality and borders thereof, based on factors of population,
size of area, composition of races, and nature of the area.
(3) Delimitation Commission in consultation with Elections Commission shall,
once every ten years, reconsider those factors and determine new borders by
creating or removing Divisions.
(4) The number of Divisions in a Locality shall not be less than fifteen, and shall
not be more than forty.
(5) Governor in consultation with Public Service Commission shall appoint a
Divisional Secretary who shall be a SLAS officer to each Division; and such
Divisional Secretary shall perform and discharge the duties and responsibilities
as per the law.
(1) Local Chairman may at his discretion
delegate some of his powers and responsibilities to his Vice Local Chairman and
Vice Local Chairman shall be responsible to Local Chairman.
(2) Vice Local Chairman shall be appointed as the Acting Local Chairman by
Governor of the related Province if Local Chairman is out of country or is
temporarily unable to discharge his duties due to physical or mental
(3) Vice Local
Chairman may be removed by Local Chairman if at least one third of Local Members
are in favor of such removal.
(4) Vice Local Chairman shall be deemed to be automatically removed if the
office of Local Chairman is vacated in accordance with the law.
119. (1) Local Chairman aided by Vice Local Chairman shall exercise and perform the powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities through eight Local Advisory Committees (LAC) which are:
(a) Advisory Committee on schools, school education, dhamma education, Piriven,
technical education, museums, and libraries;
(b) Advisory Committee on land, agriculture, gardening, fisheries, animal
husbandry, cultivation, water canals, organic fertilizer, fishery harbors, salt
production, food security, water supply, and irrigation;
(c) Advisory Committee on health, hospitals, indigenous medicine, spas, nutrition,
sanitation, veterinary service, sport, pets, food regulation;
(d) Advisory Committee on community police, inter-racial harmony, national
integrity, culture, religious activities, public performances, leisure;
(e) Advisory Committee on environment, waste management, sewage, roads, drainage,
ferries, infrastructure, burial grounds, cemeteries, natural resources,
transport, street lighting, and rural development;
(f) Advisory Committee on Shops, business registration, trading, markets and
fairs, rest houses, hotels, and co-operatives;
(g) Advisory Committee on Locality Administration, housing, apartments,
constructions, wildlife, social services, sky, and beach;
(h) Advisory Committee on taxes, and revenue collection.
(2) Each Advisory Committee shall be
headed by either Local Chairman or Vice Local Chairman.
(3) Each Advisory Committee shall comprise of not less than four Local Members,
and any Member shall be entitled to a member of any number of Advisory
(4) The Citizens in the Locality may directly participate and discuss matters
in any of Advisory Committee, and Local Secretary shall provide for facilities
for the public to productively participate in such Committee proceedings.
(5) The executive decisions taken by Local Chairman shall have been initially
discussed in the relevant Advisory Committee; Local Chairman should align his
decisions or actions with such observations and recommendations of Advisory
(6) All the sittings and proceedings of Local Council shall be freely
accessible and open the public and mass media including social media.
120. (1) Governor in the related Province on grounds of corruption, or inability to carry on the business of Local Council by the current Members may dissolve a Local Council, and if a by-election cannot be held in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 140(1), he shall appoint a “Special Commissioner” to assume the functions, powers, duties, and responsibilities of Local Chairman until next General Election is conducted.
(2) Local Chairman
who was in office immediately before the dissolution of Local Council shall be
deemed to have vacated the seat when the provisions of paragraph (1) of this
Article come into operation.
Local Member shall vacate his seat:
(1) upon his death;
(2) on resignation
by writing to Governor of the related Province;
(3) on his
attaining the age of seventy years;
(4) on his removal
by Chairman of Provincial Council with a resolution passed with a Simple
Majority in Provincial Council, on account of ill health, or physical or mental
(5) upon being convicted in a competent court and sentenced for not less than twelve months.
(1) The Capital of Sri Lanka shall be “Sri Jayewardenepura
(SJ)” and it shall be a special Locality whose geographic area shall not be
considered to be part of a Province, and shall be considered to be part of
Central Government. Local Chairman of this special Local Council shall be known
as “Mayor”
(2) The SJ Locality shall be administered directly by the Central Government; Home
Affairs Minister shall exercise and perform the functions, powers, duties, and
responsibilities of Governor, including the power to dissolve.
(3) The Local Police Administration within the SJ Locality shall be carried out
by the National Police Administration under the special division “Capital
Police Division (CPD)”.
(1) There shall be a Provincial Council (PC) for
each Province.
(2) The Members of Provincial Council shall consist of:
(a) Local
Chairmen in the related Province;
(b) Members of Parliament (one for each Locality) who obtain the most preferential votes in each Locality in the related Province.
(3) Members of Provincial Council
shall not be given a salary or allowance for being Members thereof.
(4) Provincial Council shall meet at least once every four months.
(5) Governor of the related Province may summon Provincial Council within forty
eight hours if not less than fifty percent of Members of Provincial Council or
Chief Minister alone so requests in writing to Governor.
(6) The quorum of Provincial Council shall be sixteen; and Provincial Council
shall not be held if quorum is not there.
(7) Governor shall be entitled to attend Provincial Council, speak, and
participate in debate, but shall not have the right to vote; and he shall be
given the same facilities as provided for Chief Minister.
(1) Every Member of Provincial council shall
have one vote, and resolutions shall be passed with a Simple Majority of votes
of Members.
(2) Provincial Council in its first sitting after a General Election shall
elect as Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Provincial Council two members from
among its Members who shall be Local Chairmen.
(3) Chairman of Provincial Council or Deputy Chairman in his absence or any
Member in their absence selected for the sitting shall preside over Local
Council; the presiding member shall work in the same manner and honor the
Speaker in Parliament shall perform.
125. (1) Members of Provincial Council shall elect as Chief Minister (CM) one Member who shall also be a Member of Parliament.
(2) Chief Minister shall be responsible to Provincial Council.
(3) Chief Minister
shall be deemed to be on par with a Cabinet Minister and he shall have the same
privileges of a Cabinet Minister.
(4) Chief Minister shall have his Secretariat headed by Secretary General to
Chief Minister, in the same manner, mutatis mutandis, as a Cabinet
Ministry. Such Secretary General who shall be a senior SLAS officer shall be
appointed by President, subject to the provisions of paragraph 185(1).
(5) The seat of Chief Minister shall be vacant if:
(a) the provisions of Article 58 come into operation; or
(b) a resolution is passed by a Simple Majority in Provincial Council to remove
Chief Minister.
(2) If Provincial
Council is not held under the new Chief Minister during next six months or if Provincial
Council cannot elect a Chief Minister after such removal, Governor shall
dissolve Provincial Council and assume its functions and duties; and offices of
Chief Minister, Chairman of Provincial Council, and Deputy Chairman of Provincial
Council shall be vacant until next General Election.
(3) If Chief Minister or any Member of Provincial Council has not attended Provincial
Council for twelve months, such Member shall be deemed to be have vacated his
seat in Provincial Council; such Member if he is a Local Chairman, shall be
deemed to have vacated his office of Local Chairman and a new Local Chairman
with a new Deputy Local Chairman shall be elected by Local Council in
accordance with the normal procedure.
Provincial Council shall derive its functions
and duties from the Local Councils, and its functions and duties shall be as
(1) To co-ordinate among the Local Councils in the Province;
(2) To co-ordinate between the Central Government and Local Government for the Province;
(3) To represent in Parliament on behalf of Local Councils in any subject or
power devolved to Local Government;
(4) To conduct inquiry into Local Council and Local Members on charges of
bribery and corruption.
(5) To advise Local Councils on development projects and activities.
(1) Chief Minister shall be the principal
administrator to perform the functions and responsibilities of provisions of
Article 127.
(2) The Chief Minister shall establish eight Provincial Working Committees (PWC)
to coincide with the eight Advisory Committees as provided by paragraph 119(1);
such Committees shall offer expert advice to Provincial Council and Local
Councils on any activity under their scope or subject.
(3) Chief Minister shall appoint as the head of each of such Provincial Working
Committee a Member who shall be a Local Chairman.
(4) Chief Minister in consultation with Provincial Secretary in accordance with
the policy recommendations by Public Service Commission shall appoint as
Advisors to such Committee not more than two experts who shall hold at least a postgraduate
(1) President, subject to the provisions of
paragraph 185(1),
shall appoint a Secretary to a Provincial Council who shall be known as “Provincial
Secretary”, and Provincial Secretary shall be the Principal Accounting Officer
and the Principal Administration Officer of Provincial Council.
(2) Provincial Secretary in consultation with Governor shall have a sufficient
staff in accordance with the policy recommendations of the Public Service
(3) Provincial Secretary shall be the secretary of Provincial Council meetings,
and he shall maintain accurate and detailed minutes, schedules of meetings, and
tabled documents for records.
(4) Provincial Secretary shall exercise in accordance with the law of the
country and regulations of Government Service, all duties and responsibilities
entrusted upon him by Provincial Council, and the Government Service.
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