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Dark clouds and silver linings

Today I heard about a grand wedding of an Indian tycoon (Ambani's son) from a friend of mine, and he showed me some videos of it too. He said famous and powerful people from around the world have been invited to it, and the cost of the event was going to be several Billions (of Indian Rupees or USD, I don't know). If you think about it, India is a country with a higher population of substandard living conditions. There are innocent and miserable children who are forced to work for a mere subsistence, being deprived of education, health facilities, and food and water. I remember a movie based on a true story in which Akshey Kumar was playing the leading role where he makes sanitary towels (pads) for poor women who could not afford it. In such a country, a single wedding event spends billions of money. What a crappy world we are living! You could imagine how much wealth this family has amassed. On the other, this "mental disease" of exorbitant spending must be highly we

Abdul Kalam, never fading with sunset...

After hearing the sad news about passing away of Dr. Abdul Kalam, former Indian President, I really felt we humans lost one beautiful soul forever. I do not know much about him - not so much as to write a biography of him, but the little I know is more than enough for me to honor him as a good man with both a glowing heart and a radiating brain.

He showed us (our bloody politicians) how an intellectual can become a politician and still receive honor and affection by the public. On the other, take our so-called educated people who turned politicians. Before entering politics, he would hold a PHD in law, for instance, but a few years later he would become a double doctor, with a PHD in corruption and political prostitution too.

I have no faith in angels, fairies, messengers, saints, gods, sons of God or the God, but I do have faith in humans with integrity and good intentions. I simply see such a good human in Kalam. Eventually we have to obey and abide by the rules of nature, and so did Kalam - as a man who fulfilled his duties.