Let’s learn how to work with numbers
now. First memorize the following Sinhala words/sounds for numbers. There are
nice and easy patterns just like in English. Only “eka siyaya” is slightly
different because instead of “ek-“, it has “eka” (but still “ek-“ in prefix
form is as same as “eka” both having the meaning of “one”).
1 - eka
2 - dheka
3 - thuna
4 - hathara
5 - paha
6 - haya
7 - hatha
8 - ata
9 – navaya/namaya
10 - dhahaya
11 - ekolaha
12 - dholaha
13 - dhahathuna
14 - dhahahathara
15 - pahalava
16 - dhahasaya
17 - dhahahatha
18 – dhaha-ata
19 - dhahanavaya
20 – vissa (“visi-”)
21 – visi-eka
22 – visi-dheka
23 – visi-thuna
24 – visi-hathara
25 – visi-paha
26 – visi-haya
27 – visi-hatha
28 – visi-ata
29 – visi-navaya
30 – thiha (“this-“)
31 – this-eka
32 – this-dheka
33 – this-thuna etc
40 – hathaliha (“hathalis-“)
41 – hathalis-eka
42 – hathalis-dheka etc
50 – panaha (“panas-“)
60 – haeta (“haeta-“)
70 – haeththae:va (“haeththae:-”)
80 – asu:va (“asu:-”)
90 – anu:va (“anu:-“)
100 – eka siyaya
(“eka siya-“)
101 – eka siya eka
110 – eka siya dhahaya
162 – eka siya haeta dheka
200 – dhesiyaya
300 – thunsiyaya (“thunsiya-“)
400 – ha:rasiyaya
500 - pansiyaya
600 – hayasiyaya
700 – hathsiyaya
800 – atasiyaya
900 - navasiyaya
1000 – ekdhaha
1001 – ekdhahas eka
1031 – ekdhahas this-eka
1421 – ekdhahas ha:rasiya visi-eka
2000 – dhedhaha (“dhedhahas-“)
3000 – thundhaha
4000 – ha:radhaha
5000 - pandhaha
6000 - hayadhaha
7000 - hathdhaha
8000 - atadhaha
9000 - navadhaha
10,000 – dhasadhaha/dhahadhaha
11,000 – ekolosdhaha
12,000 - dholosdhaha
13,000 - dhahathundhaha
14,000 - dhahahatharadhaha
15,000 - pahalosdhaha
16,000 - dhahasayadhaha
17,000 - dhahahathdhaha
18,000 – dhaha-atadhaha
19,000 - dhahanavayadhaha
20,000 - visidhaha
30,000 – thisdhaha
85,126 – asu:pandhahas ekasiya visi-haya
100,000 – eklakshaya (“eklaksha-“)
100,001 – eklaksha eka
100,088 – eklaksha asu:ata
100,312 – eklaksha thunsiya dholaha
104,000 – eklaksha ha:radhaha
151,658 – eklaksha panas ekdhahas hayasiya panas ata
200,000 - dhelakshaya
300,000 - thunlakshaya
400,000 – ha:ralakshaya etc
10,00,000 – dhasalakshaya
10,02,155 – dhasalaksha dhedhahas ekasiya panas paha
20,00,000 – visilakshaya etc
100,00,000 – ekko:tiya (“ekko:ti-“)
10,000,000,000 – siya ko:tiya
0 - bindhuva
In Sinhala, dhasalaksaya is not a special number that has its own unique name, but in English it gets its own special name “million”. Therefore, if you like, you can use “miliyanaya” (the Sinhalized version of “million”). Likewise you may use “biliyanaya” instead of “siyako:tiya”. I don’t know any Sinhala words for numbers higher than that, so you may use English numbers like trillion (“triliyanaya”) for higher values.
As you have noticed, each number
has a prefix form too. You can understand it from the above table, but I will
list them below for further clarity.
ek- (1, like uni- in English)
dhe- (2)
thun- (3)
hathara- (4)
pas- (5)
haya- (6)
hath- (7)
ata- (8)
nava- (9)
Dhasa- , dhaha (10)
Ekolos- (11)
Dholos- (12)
Dhahathun- (13)
Dhahahathara- (14)
Pahalos- (15)
Dhahasaya- (16)
Dhahath- (17)
Dhaha-ata- (18)
Dhahanava- (19)
Visi- (20)
Visi-ek- (21)
Visi-dhe- (22)
Visi-hath- (27) etc
This- (30) etc
Eksiya- (100)
Eksiya panas-thun- (153)
Dhesiya- (200) etc
Ekdhahas- (1000)
Ekdhahas thunsiya panas- (1350)
Hathdhahas- (7000) etc
Eklaksha- (100,000) etc
Thunko:ti- (300,00,000)
You can use numbers in Sinhala as
nouns or adjectives. After a plural inanimate noun you may put a number.
Automatically, it would be a definite noun. If you want to make the noun
indefinite you must append “-ak” (“-k”) suffix to the number (not to the
Bo:la paha – the five balls
Bo:la pahak – five balls (indefinite)
Bo:la pahak – five balls (indefinite)
Pae:n thuna – the three pens
Pae:n thunak – three pens
Pae:n thunak – three pens
Poth dhesiyaya – the 200 books
Poth dhesiyayak – 200 books
Poth dhesiyayak – 200 books
Buy the complete book online now.
After a plural animate noun, you usually use the related numeral prefix as described and shown in the above table with “dhena:” (if definite) or with “dhenek” (if indefinite). Sometimes, you may use the same method that you use for inanimate nouns for animate nouns too (especially for animals).
Lamayin pas dhena: (the five
Lamayin pas dhenek (five children)
Lamayin pas dhenek (five children)
Ballo: thun dhena: (the
three dogs)
Ballo: thun dhenek (three dogs)
Ballo: thun dhenek (three dogs)
Driverla dhesiya dhena: (the
200 drivers)
Driverla dhesiya dhenek (200 drivers)
Driverla dhesiya dhenek (200 drivers)
Pu:san atak (eight cats)
Let’s learn how to say fractions
and decimal numbers in Sinhala. It’s as easy as in English. The number
above is called the “numerator” and the number below is the “denominator” of a
fraction (for example, in ¾, 3 is numerator and 4 is denominator). We first say
the denominator and then say the numerator. And also, you append “-en”
suffix (which means “from”) to the denominator too.
¼ - hatharen eka (or “ka:la”)
¾ - hatharen thuna (or “thunka:la”)
½ - dheken eka (or “ba:gaya”)
1/8 – aten eka (or “harikka:la”)
2/3 –thunen dheka
¾ - hatharen thuna (or “thunka:la”)
½ - dheken eka (or “ba:gaya”)
1/8 – aten eka (or “harikka:la”)
2/3 –thunen dheka
Let’s put these fractions in
context now.
Vathura thunen dheka (the
two-thirds of water)
Vathura thunen dhekak (two-thirds of water)
Vathura thunen dhekak (two-thirds of water)
Pa:n hatharen eka (or ka:la)
(the one-fourth of bread)
Pa:n hatharen ekak (or ka:lak) (a one-fourth of bread)
Pa:n hatharen ekak (or ka:lak) (a one-fourth of bread)
How to pronounce a decimal number?
You first say the whole number part, and then say “dhasama”, and finally
say each digit in the decimal part. And also you append “-yi” to the
whole number and and each digit.
12.346 – dholahayi dhasama thunayi
hatharayi hayayi
461.1270 – ha:rasiya haeta ekayi dhasama ekai dhekai hathayi bindhuvayi.
461.1270 – ha:rasiya haeta ekayi dhasama ekai dhekai hathayi bindhuvayi.
You must also learn how to say numbers
in the style of “first”, “second”, “third”, “fourth”, etc (ordinal numbers). It’s
very easy to make them by adding “vaeni” after a prefix form number. “first”
is an exception; it has its own name/sound.
Palavaeni, palamuvaeni – 1st
Dhevaeni – 2nd
Thunvaeni – 3rd
Hatharavaeni – 4th
Pasvaeni – 5th
Hayavaeni – 6th
Hathvaeni – 7th
Atavaeni – 8th
Navavaeni – 9th
Dhahavaeni , dhasavaeni – 10th
Ekolosvaeni – 11th
Visivaeni – 20th
Ekasiyavaeni – 100th
Ekasiya ekvaeni – 101st
Dhesiya panas thunvaeni – 253rd
Ekdhahasvaeni – 1000th
Panlakshayavaeni – 500,000th
Ko:tiyavaeni – 100,00,000th
These ordinal numbers are used as
normal adjectives with nouns.
Thunvaeni potha ge:nna.
(Bring the third book.)
Mama ekasiya atavaeni namata kaemathiy. (I like the 108th name.)
Mama ekasiya atavaeni namata kaemathiy. (I like the 108th name.)
You can also make an adverb with
numeral prefixes too. Just prefix them to “pa:rak” or “saerayak”.
In English you do this with “times”.
Ekpa:rak, eksaerayak – one time
dhepa:rak, dhesaerayak – two times (twice)
thunpa:rak, thunsaerayak – three times
siyapa:rak, siyasaerayak – hundred times
dhepa:rak, dhesaerayak – two times (twice)
thunpa:rak, thunsaerayak – three times
siyapa:rak, siyasaerayak – hundred times
Man eya:ta passaerayak call
kala: . (I called him five times.)
Now let’s see some miscellaneous
Sinhala usages to finish this series of lessons.
In English, you use “you” as an
impersonal pronoun when you want to say something impersonally. For example:
You should not kill animals.
Even if “you” is there as the
subject, it in fact means “anyone”. Sometimes “one” is used instead in English
of course. We had to use “you” or “one” because there is no specific subject
there but it is mandatory to use a subject in English sentences. However,
Sinhala is much simpler here because spoken Sinhala does not require a subject
(or even an object) to construct a sentence. Therefore, you can express this
type of sentences in Sinhala one of two ways.
One way is to say it as a command
(this is exactly when you use “you” in English too). Usually, the English
helping verbs in negative form - shouldn’t, mustn’t, shan’t, oughtn’t to,
are treated as “epa: (don’t)” or “ho’mda naehae (not good)”.
Sathun maranna epa: . (You
don’t kill animals.)
Sathun maeriya yuthu naehae.
Sathun maranna ho’mdha naehae.
(You shouldn’t kill animals.)
Sathun maranna ho’mdha naehae.
(You shouldn’t kill animals.)
The other way which is more interesting
is to express it as a normal sentence without a subject (this is when you use “one”
in English).
Me: ka:le job ekak laba:ganna
puluvan. (These days one can get a job.)
E:ka kanna puluvan. (You/One can eat it.)
E:ka kanna puluvan. (You/One can eat it.)
How to say this following type of
sentence in Sinhala?
“hey Bob, what are you doing?”
“I am just reading.”
“I am just reading.”
Here Bob is doing the act of “reading”
because he has nothing important to do at the moment. In Sinhala, we use the
adverb “nikan” or “ohe:” like we used “just” in English.
Man nikan kiyavanavamin
innava: . (I am just reading.)
Api ohe: katha: kara kara
hitiya: . (We were just talking.)
You may put “ma:ra” as an
adverb in front of an adjective or another adverb, and it has the meaning of “very”.
Eya: ma:ra lassanai. (She is
so/very beautiful.)
Eya: ma:ra lassanata liyanava. (She writes so/very beautifully.)
Eya: ma:ra lassanata liyanava. (She writes so/very beautifully.)
Let’s see how to greet in Sinhala.
In some occasions, English phrases are used too. You can wish (for anything) by
putting “suba” (happy) in front of the occasion/day like “suba
upandhiyanak (happy birthday)”, “suba naththalak (happy Christmas)”,
Thank you, thanks, sthu:thiy,
bohoma sthuthiy (thank you)
Good morning, suba udhae:sanak
(good morning)
Good night, suba ra:thriyak
(good night)
Good evening/afternoon, suba
sandhae:vak (good evening/afternoon)
Sorry, excuse me, sama: venna
(sorry, excuse me)
Hello (over the phone; same
as in English)
Bye (over the phone; same as
in English)
Passe hamuvemu, gihin ennam, see you (see
Hello, Hi (hello)
Kohomadha, kohomadha ithin,
kohomadha saepa sani:pa (how are you doing)
Suba upandhiyanak, suba
upandhinayak ve:va: (happy birthday)
Suba aluth avurudhdhak, suba
aluth avurudhdhak ve:va: (happy new year)
Ese:ma ve:va (the same to
Congratulations, suba paethum
Suba pathanava: , good luck, all
the best (Wish you good luck/success/etc, all the best)
"...va" mathak kala: kiyanna. (give my regards to "...")
Sherinva mathak kala: kiyanna. (give my regards to Sherin.)
Sherinva mathak kala: kiyanna. (give my regards to Sherin.)
Just as in any other language,
Sinhala language too has a lot of idiomatic expressions (such expressions that
has entirely different meaning than its literal meaning), and figures of speech. After you learn the
basics of grammar and obtain a good working vocabulary, you can learn them
slowly. I am showing some of them.
Amma: palla:, deviyan/deyyan
palla: (cross my heart) (a swear word)
Amma: palla:, mama e:ka kivve: naehae. (Cross my heart; I did not say it.)
Amma: palla:, mama e:ka kivve: naehae. (Cross my heart; I did not say it.)
Ammata siri, appata siri (oh
no, oh boy) (a surprise)
Ammata siri, oya: e:ka kala:dha? (oh no, did you do it?)
Ammata siri, oya: e:ka kala:dha? (oh no, did you do it?)
Dheyyane:, amme:, appe: (oh
my god) (sad suprise)
Deyyane:, balla: seethale: maerila: . (Oh my god, the dog has died of coldness.)
Deyyane:, balla: seethale: maerila: . (Oh my god, the dog has died of coldness.)
Pissu, vika:ra, mala vika:ra,
payiththiyan – bullshit, nonsense
Vika:ra, man ehema kivve: naehae. (Nonsense, I did not say so.)
Vika:ra, man ehema kivve: naehae. (Nonsense, I did not say so.)
Sha:, niyamai, sha: niyamai,
maru, sha: maru (great, fantastic, excellent) (excitement)
Chik, shik, shit (shit)
(anger or contempt)
i:ya: (say when you feel
hena gahapiya, hena gahapan,
maka bae:viyan (go to hell)
mala vadhe:, va:thayak/va:the:, mala dha:ne (pain in the
magula, thuk, thuk vitharak (damn it)
kamak/avlak/prasnayak naehae (no problem)
"...ta" kamak naehae. (it doesn't matter to "...")
Mata kamak naehae eya: aeththa kivva:ta. (It doesn't matter to me if he told the truth).
Mata kamak naehae eya: aeththa kivva:ta. (It doesn't matter to me if he told the truth).
Usually you put a simple sentence that ends with a verb in the form "kivva:ta" (in the past time) or "kiyanava:ta" (in the present time).
karume:, mage: karume: (just my luck)
This is the end of this series of
lessons. I tried to teach spoken Sinhala with grammar. Lots of books teaching
Spoken Sinhala out there lack solid grammatical underpinning and foundation.
They just list thousands of phrases. You are supposed to memorize them like how
a parrot does. I personally can’t imagine how you can express your own creative
ideas then. Read, Analyse (patterns), Learn, and Memorize the material in the
given order because later lessons are based on the previous ones. Good Luck!
I will show you the Sinhala
alphabet. I recommend you to learn it too.
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