When working in such fields as mathematics, computing, electronics, we often find the use of hexadecimal (hex) numbers like 6A, 80D, FF. I assume those who are reading this post are knowledgeable with hex numbers; or at least are aware of it. So, I am not going to dwell on its nitty-gritty here. Anyway, since I was exposed to hex numbers in school, and then was working with them whilst learning computing, and elctronics, I had not known how to sound or rather pronounce a hex number as we do for normal decimal numbers (eg: decimal number "58" is pronounced as "fifty eight"). We just used to pronounce them ditit by digit (eg: "45A" as "four five ai"). It's obvious sounding a number by its individual digits is very much cumbersome and very hard to remember even. However, I find that even hex numbers could be pronounced in the same style without any difficulty. There are 3 parts you must keep in mind (this is just my idea, and really don'...